Fan Fic Friday 11

Welcome back to the Dangerotic blog, Besties! Today we’ve got something entirely different. Well, maybe not entirely but it’s certainly off the beaten path. In the past I’ve mentioned wanting to do sexy/non-con/dub-con versions of some of the old princess-in-peril fairytales, and I am a frequent sharer over on X of anything I find that are sexed-up Disney princesses. Well frequent Bestie Heros Eversor took those ideas and married them to my own characters today in this Fan Fic Fairytale. It not exactly our usual thing here on the blog but I think you should give it a chance. It’s sexy, and creative, and funny, and I had a lot of fun with it, so I think you will too!


A Perilverse fairytale of happiness and submission by Heros Eversor.

There once was a beautiful and sexy young woman named Mirandarella who lived in a happy little kingdom. 

She was poor but happy, and despite not even having money for a proper dress she always started the day with a happy work song.

She worked hard to keep house and clean and cook and was always cheerful and kind and friendly and everyone loved her.

Well, almost everyone. Mirandarella had two evil wicked stepsisters. Cruel, conceited and selfish they hated their younger sibling for always being happy and cheerful and they were very jealous of her being beautiful and sexy. 

So, they forced her to work very hard in their kitchen, but because Mirandarella liked hard work she didn’t mind and remained as cheerful as ever.

When they got REALLY jealous and angry, the wicked sisters would tie up Mirandarella and make her do their housework while bound. 

That always made Mirandarella confused because how could she do that without the use of her hands? But she tried and was always glad when people… especially the young town men… stopped by to wave at her through the windows as she wriggled her way around the floor.

“Please could you at least not throw more dirt on the floor. The bin is right there. It’s a bit hard to pick it all up while my hands are bound and using them pulls on my nipples!”

But the sisters didn’t care and mocked her for being useless.

The sisters could not understand why no matter what they did Mirandarella remained ever more happy and joyful, so they themselves became ever uglier and angrier and sad that their bullying did not break her.

But they simply did not understand that happiness makes you happy while sadness makes you sad and Mirandarella was just a girl that took joy in life… and that being tied up and helpless and submissive somehow gave her a great feeling of happiness.

So, she remained ever the joyous girl no matter what they did to her, and they suffered more than she did.

Then one day the ruler of the kingdom, the handsome and kind Prince Warren, announced that he was looking for a wife. Anyone could be chosen but they had to be good-natured, sweet and bondage submissives as was the traditions of the land.

The stepsisters were very excited. They were sure they would be chosen easily. 

“And then when the prince marries me or you, we will finally get the recognition we deserve, and everyone will admire us and bow down and we will soon cure him of all that submission nonsense! Then we can give orders all the time and EVERYONE will have to obey us!”

“Do… do you think I could also go to the selection?” Mirandarella asked hopefully. Prince Warren was such a wonderful man, and she was sure that someone that was so keen on making his people happy would also make her happy and so she could make him happy!

Her heart was beating faster as she thought of the prince.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You think a useless kitchen maid like you that is always dressed in rags and with no courtly manners would be even received?” The sisters laughed cruelly and mockingly! 

“No, you go back to your little kitchen and prepare dinner while we go and get chosen by the prince!”

For the first time ever Mirandarella felt no ounce of joy. They had been right. Why would the wonderful prince even want to see a girl that could afford only the grey revealing rags she was wearing. 

She wasn’t worthy. She was nothing. She should just get back to toil and try to find joy in that instead!

A tinkling sound like tiny clear silver bells sounded and the light like the sun had risen in the kitchen shone behind Mirandarella who turned and gaped in delighted surprise as a magical fairy had suddenly appeared.

“Worry not dear sweet Mirandarella, for I am Luna Bondagella, the fairy godmother of the kingdom and truly you have what it takes to make the prince happy. And a happy ruler makes a happy kingdom! So, I shall help you!”

Mirandarella cried happy tears in sudden surprised joy and excitement.

“Truly? You will help me so I can get to see the prince? Gee, that’s ever so swell and amazing of you! We are so happy to have such a great fairy godmother in this land!”

“Allow me to use my powers to supply you with something more appropriate to wear.”

Luna Bondagella gathered her hands and the magical vision of a beautiful and elegant dress appeared between them. Then with another tinkle of tiny bells she expanded it until it surrounded Mirandarella!

“I look so beautiful! Now I can go to the palace and meet the prince and be part of the selection! I am so happy!”

The dairy godmother disappeared with a smile of blessing and a warning “But remember child! The enchantment will last only until midnight!”

But Mirandarella did not hear her as she danced around the room happily and excitedly! Then she ran out of the house and towards the castle in the gathering dusk.

Prince Warren sat slumped on the throne bored and disappointed. So many women had presented themselves but none of them had been right.

They had been too willful, argumentative, ugly or boring. Especially the two that had presented themselves in so slapdash ropework and immediately demanded he chose between them so they could get on with arranging the kingdom as they clearly best knew how.

“Take them away!” He ordered his guards in disgust!

The sisters could not believe their ears! They had participated in the stupid binding ritual and even allowed him to choose instead of just telling him to take both of them! How could they not have been chosen?

The prince lamented as the two were firmly escorted from the castle. “Oh woe! Will I ever find my one true love? One who is sweet, and beautiful, and kind and happy and truly submissive to me?”

“There is one candidate left today.” The chamberlain announced. “Bring her in.”

As soon as she danced into the room, the prince sat up on his throne, his eyes big and amazed. Already slightly bound by glowing crystal ropes, her visage was kind and happy and with large joyful and sweet eyes.

“Could it be!” he thought. “My true prophesied love! The legendary Bombsherella! 

Wrapped and tied in the magical crystal fetters, Bombsherella struggled and wriggled as a true princess should, still with the same happy joyful smile on her beautiful angelic face as the prince sat enchanted and stared at her performance.

Prince Warren stared at her with a smile of a man truly in love. “Are you the one?” he asked with hope in his kind manly voice. “Would you be the one to submit yourself to me and give me joy and happiness forever?”

How could it be otherwise? His guards and courtiers stared at the girl with the same intensity as the prince. They knew that she was something very very special.

“But of course!” She said in a voice of exultant grateful joy, and she innocently wriggled her body seductively. Being your submissive happiness and pleasure giver wife would give me the greatest eternal happiness my beloved prince!”

Suddenly. Lost in their newfound mutual love the clock stroke midnight and with a woosh the enchantment on Mirandarella expired and instead of the crustal Bombsherella princess there stood only a scullery maid. Dusty and in grey rags. Shocked and afraid.

“WAIT! Come back!” The prince sprang from his seat as he saw the girl flee the room. Leaving behind, in her hurry, only one last precious blue glowing crystal. “Get her back!” he shouted at his guards “I love her, and I need her!”

Hearing not the prince’ words in her horror, she fled the palace before any could stop her. Her chance for happiness with Prince Warren. GONE! Lost because of her own carelessness. Mirandarella cried as she fled back to the safety of her kitchen and its thankless toil.

Behind her bells rang for the castle towers and cries rent the night as pursuit set in. But too late!

“Let it be known to all that Prince Warren will marry the woman who can as a true princess use the crystal bondage ropes left in the throne room. He shall seek out all women himself to test them.”

For days the soldiers and the prince went house to house in search of Bombsherella. But none could wear ties as alluring as the enchanted princess had.

Finally, the prince got to the right house, but the stepsisters refused to let him in. “No. We do not have anyone else living here. Only us!” They could not bear the thought of their despised stepsister getting happiness and joy with the handsome prince.

But from the kitchen came a sad song of such sweetness that the prince could be in no doubt about who was singing. Pushing himself past the two ugly spinsters he rushed to the kitchen holding the glowing rope.

“It is you!” Prince Warrens gasped in joy as his men stared in worshipful solemn silence. “None but the true Princess Bombsherella, my true eternal love can wear bondage so happily, elegantly dignified and submissive! Marry me and live with me forever in blissful love!”

“Yes! Yes! YES!” she exclaimed in exultant love and joy. “I shall wish for nothing more than to grant you joy and happiness through my submission to your love for ever my Prince!” 

“Let the bells toll and let the people rejoice! For our prince have found his princess at last!”

The evil stepsisters were banished from the kingdom and driven into the woods to suffer the misfortunes of their own bitter evil. From afar with dismay and despair they watched the fireworks that marked the marriage of Prince Warren and Princess Mirandarella and wept at the cruelty of their fate not realizing they had only brought it upon themselves! 

“Oh, my prince! My love! My master! Please take me as you will! Use my submissive sexy body for your pleasure and let me feel the happiness that is your dominance!”

The wedding night was the happiest moment of Mirandarella’s life as she and the prince consummated their love in a blissful session of love filled bondage sex!

And they lived happily ever after. Proving that nothing grants more happiness to women that joyful sexual submission to a loving husband.

As the movie ended Starling shuddered and whimpered as she came. “MHMM! Oh! Oh god! I’m cumming!” 

It was corny and it as a cartoon… but that final wedding night scene always got to her.

“Star! Are you watching that stupid movie again?”

With a shocked and embarrassed gasp Starling started up as her eyes went wide. 

“No… I… Its…I…I” Why was she always found in such circumstances. She blushed and quickly closed her legs.

Lacey gave her wife a mischievous smile. “You know that film is basically a propaganda vehicle for the director’s ideas about gender interaction, right?”

“Yeah…” Starling was still blushing. “But I grew up with it you know? And… well… sometime… just sometimes… I feel like it’s not all off on certain points.”

“Oh, yes?” Lacey smiled wider and even more suggestively. “And what is that?”

Starling’s expression now matched Lacey’s. “Well I don’t want a prince. I already have my queen, but sometimes a woman might want their spouse to take a bit of charge and just do things to them…”

“Really? Is that a fact? Well, you know Nikki won’t be home from school for another 2 hours.”

Starling spread her pussy as Lacey unbuttoned her dress and walked towards her. Then restarted the movie at the wedding night scene, as she drowned in her own sense of love and happiness at the sight of her beloved wife advancing on her. 


Lady Jane answered a question about her heroines as characters in a fairytale once, and while I’m sure she would have done the concept more credit, it fired my imagination about what if the Perilverse had really REALLY cheesy erotica based “Disney” fairytale movies.

The effect on certain people in the universe would explain so much, and before I knew it the idea that Starling Chase… Oh I’m sorry… Beth Stewart, having watched such things as a young woman and still sneak watching them on occasion when she thinks Lacey don’t know, was too fun to ignore.

You will notice it’s not really written as non-con erotic like my (and LJ’s) stuff usually is but I feel the more cheesy, campy over the top, cringy outdated gender relationship mode was more appropriate for the topic.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!

See you at Heroinecove.


LJ’s Note:

Everyone make sure you head over to Heroinecove and support our Bestie Heros Eversor. He shares a lot more heroine peril, creates some really sexy heroines and puts them into deviously salacious predicaments, and if you like what I do here on the Dangerotic blog, I know you’ll appreciate what he’s doing over there.

As usual, let’s send a great big thank you thank you to Heros for sharing his creativity with us. And especially from me, for helping to keep my Besties entertained while I’m hard at work getting Ener-G ready, because otherwise I might not have had a post ready for today!

So drop some love down in the comments, or head on over to X and let us both know if you want more sexy superheroine fairytales @dangerotic and @HeroinesAgents.

Have a great weekend, Besties!

Your bff, L J

4 thoughts on “Fan Fic Friday 11

  1. Admittedly this was mostly written in a single spur of inspiration and only slightly edited after a beta reader had it for a few hours… also created mostly for the sake of LJ’s Disney idea and comedy more than pure eroticism… but I still hope people enjoy it.

    Tried to give it a erotic SHIP aspect as in “What kind of “Disney” stuff would the Perilverse have to make certain heroines they way they are if the universe were a BIT more self-aware of its literary origins than it is in the actual stories…

    Also, my fondness I figured within that Context Starling was probably the most obvious enjoyer of this “genre”… and that Lacey would by good naturedly exasperated by it:-) I love those two and their relationship.

    If nothing else it was incredibly fun to write:-)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Honestly, this felt more like a satirical parody than an erotic parody lol.

    I’ll first say that I enjoyed this and had a stupid grin on my face while reading. Idk if this is supposed to be funny, but something about this makes it funny to me.

    If I had to think of a combination of SHIP and Disney fairytales, then I’d have gone towards a darker direction, where Mirandarella was a superheroine, but constantly thwarted by her stepsisters and/or stepmother. And then just add some sex scenes where the heroine is trapped by her stepsisters and left for some random thugs to find and use for their pleasure.

    Also, I was recently reading a fanfic about princess Jasmine (from Alladin) and I realized her fairytale is perfect for SHIP integration IMO. Just make Jasmine a superheroine who helps the citizens of Agrabah resist the iron fist of sultan Jafar. Jafar is unable to catch and imprison her, but when he finds a magic lamp, he wishes for Jasmin to be his loyal slave. And from this point, everything else can be left to the reader’s imagination…


    1. ENTIRELY meant to be cheesy comedy and corny.

      As in my authors note, Like if Disney ACTUALLY had done stuff like this rather than for titillation.

      If I had done it for actual SHIP erotica it would have been MUCH darker and less fluffyduffy in every way.

      But MAN was it fun to write:-)


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