Fine Art Friday

Happy Fri-YAY, Besties! It’s once again time to welcome back Perilverse Fan #11. Today he’s continuing his escapades to terrorize and torment our favorite peril- prone blonde, Bombshell!

Some men are all about the hunt…and somehow it seems like our intrepid heroine always ends up as their PREY.

What seemed to be a routine mugging on the streets of Warden City was actually a ruse orchestrated to lure Bombshell into a trap…and unfortunately, she fell for it, hook, line and sinker.  Before she even realized what was happening, she had been hit with a low-grade EMP that was able to short out her powerbelt!

Had she really fallen into this trap so easily?  Who are these men?  How did they know how to do this to her?  A myriad of questions crashed through her mind as a shadowy group of thugs surrounded her.  Answers would have to come later!

…Or probably not, she realized with dismay, as she was swiftly overwhelmed.  Without her powers Bombshell was no match for the hardened toughs.  They pinned her down with ease, binding her body with cruel leather straps.

She tried to fight back of course, but her valiant efforts were more or less, and humiliatingly, ignored.  She simply was not strong enough to pose any resistance against these men.

And when, in her desperation, she promised, “You won’t get away with this!”  They merely silenced her using a rag soaked in chloroform.

As the noxious fumes clouded her mind and sapped her strength, our poor Bombshell didn’t even have time to properly panic…

They kept her unconscious during the transportation, reducing the once proud heroine to helpless, hapless cargo.  She did not know where they were taking her, barely even that she was being taken.

When her senses were allowed to return, Bombshell found herself in an unfamiliar forest.  The heat was sweltering, tropical, and she could hear crashing waves, somewhere in the distance.  What is this place??

Her powerbelt was now completely gone, and her arms were bound behind her back.  She felt sluggish and immediately afraid but forced herself to stand.  It was then that a hologram appeared before her, depicting a rakish gentleman with an overly friendly demeanor.

At last, you’re awake!  Hopefully the extended sedation of your travels has not fried too many braincells…  It is my honor to welcome you, dear Bombshell, to Heroine Hunt Island!

“Ahh, I can see from the look on your face you’ve never heard of it, but I suspect the name tells you all you need to know.  We cater to only the most discerning, and of course the wealthiest of big game hunters…and you, my dear are most certainly the biggest of game!

“Now that you’re awake, four of our most enthusiastic customers will be turned loose for their hunt.  They are a rowdy and capable bunch, I should warn you…and whomever is able to track you down first, will undoubtedly take great pleasure in claiming you as the spoils and trophy of his victory…in whatever way he deems…

“You are of course allowed to use any means to survive, my dear.  And if you are able to make it back to the Double H clubhouse, the hunt will be immediately called off, your power items will be returned, and you will be taken home at once!  Well…at once, after a complementary mindwiping, of course!

“And hopefully you won’t make things too easy on our brave hunters, they have paid for an exciting experience after all…and so with that in mind, it is with all sincerity that I bid you good luck, fair heroine.”

The hologram disappeared leaving Bombshell to her harrowing predicament. 

How would she even stand a chance without her powers? 

Who were the men hunting her?  And more frightfully, what would they have in mind if they did find her??

All this and more, in the eleventh perilous issue of Bombshell’s Secret Files!!

How’s that for a set up?  I think this is one I may have to revisit for an actual story one day, Besties.  I’m definitely into the concept of Heroine Hunt Island, how about you?  It could be a lot of fun giving each of the hunters their own personality and gimmick…and of course giving them the chance to claim poor Bombshell’s “spoils” in increasingly perilous encounters.

OH!  Maybe I’d include shorter Villain Endings for each hunter…although, that could veer a bit more morbid than I usually like.

Of course, in canon, each hunter would still get to take full advantage of her “spoils”, though Bombshell would find some way to escape without being claimed as their trophy… Because I love the idea of letting her actually make it back to the Double H clubhouse, no doubt intending to find someway to expose and takedown the evil organization that runs Heroine Hunt Island…only to be captured by said organization, and to have her mind wiped. 

Then, as promised, they would return her to Warden City, with missing time and a newly acquired, if unexplainable, aversion to tropical locales…

Oooo, it could even become a whole series!  Taking each of my heroines to Heroine Hunt Island to be terrorized, tormented and ravaged…only to have their minds wiped when they think they’ve won.

And that could lead to a big team up, when they’re abducted and brought back all at once for a “championship” hunt!

Hmm, or maybe this is all getting a little too Hunger Games…

Well, regardless this was supposed to be a quick little blurb for a fan cover, that has now spiraled into a full-blown idea…which I could get really excited about, but don’t actually know when I’ll have time to follow through on.  But that’s not a bad thing! 

Activating our imagination is always beneficial.  Even if we don’t get to follow through on those specific ideas, you never know how they could be adapted to, or aid your thinking for other projects.  It’s like a workout for our creativity, and we’ll only be stronger in the long run.

So let’s send Perilverse Fan #11 an extra big THANK YOU THANK YOU not just for his artwork today, but for the inspiration it has provided!

Now it’s your turn Besties, to let us know your inspirations for the perilous hunt.  What traps, tactics or characters would you like to see?  What gimmicks should our devious hunters employ?  Are you so intrigued that you think I should derail all my current plans to take an extended vacation on Heroine Hunt Island??  Let me know down in the comments, or X me @dangerotica.

But that’s all I’ve got for you today, so if any other Besties have artwork of my heroines or villains that you’d like to share with us, I think I speak for everyone when I say, “we would love to see it!” 

Just email your bff and I’ll feature you on a future installment of Fine Art Friday.

(P.s. Don’t worry about your skill level, if you’re nervous to share, we’re all about love and support and expressing our kinks through our creativity here!)

Until next time, take care Besties!

4 thoughts on “Fine Art Friday

  1. Ah shit Jane, now that I’ve read this, you got me worked up and everything, but you don’t even have proper smut to accommodate it! Ugh… Classy Jane… Always such a tease… I’ll make sure to punish you later for this though.

    But seriously, great idea! Do you have to derail all your plans? Idk, your choice! Write whatever you want!

    Although, now that I mention it, what are your plans? Anything interesting in the pipeline? You don’t have to give an ETA, don’t worry; after dipping my toes into writing myself, I know the muses can be unforgiving.

    Also, I think a hunter character who’s a cowboy would be really cool (and hot!) to read. Hot guy with a lasso and a sexy southern accent? I’ve been in the US before, but never in the deep south (Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee etc, etc), so I’ve never heard anyone with a southern accent irl, but in series and movies, I fucking love it. Especially those men. Their voices are like goddamn asmr to me. Sorry, what was I talking about?

    Also, if I were a hunter, I would appreciate a DVD with the recording of the hunt of course… So maybe place some hidden cameras over the place, so I can rewatch it. Or I could force my completely docile and domesticated captured heroine to watch herself get captured, over and over again. Watch herself break, the spirit fading from her eyes and replaced by a mixture of fear, lust and pain. Force her to relive that moment while she rides my dick.

    Now that there are cameras, why not turn it into a whole show?! Sell tickets to villains who can come and watch the spectacle, while being services by other captured heroines.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hehe! A proud and unashamed tease!

      I am definitely into your cowboy hunter character…he could be like Kraven but with a southern cowboy motif. And let me assuage your concerns, IRL southern accents are every bit as sexy as they are in movies and TV. Especially when attached to sexy man or an adorably hot southern belle…

      OMG! I love the dvd idea too… my heroine might have her mind wiped but then this really strange video clip starts to surface. Is it an imposter or a deep fake?? She has no memory of that… That could be interesting. And a live feed definitely! OH that makes me think that after 4 less than successful hunts, where the heroines manage to escape…the stellar reputation of Heroine Hunt Island might be in danger, thus why they have decided to organize the “championship” hunt featuring multiple heroines, and ALSO why they decide to stream it live for the added publicity/revenue!! Ohhhh, this idea may have legs…

      But the muse always determines what I work on…I never try to force her in any direction because she can be so finnicky, but I also trust her implicitly sooo… I wouldn’t derail anything unless she was inspired in that direction.

      Speaking of, okay, what’s in the pipeline: Ener-G, soon-ish. Then I will be focused on the 6th Bombshell issue…and following that, the next major project I plan to be the big team up. During that, smaller projects include, a surprise short story, A medium sized Scarlet Dove story, a Hyper Star short, and a medium sized Hyper Star story that will hopefully give us a broader view of the character than the shorts have thus far. And that’s not counting any other blog posts and discussions. Sooooo you see, I have lots planned, and as good an idea as Heroine Hunt Island is, I’m not so excited to let it derail this train just yet. However, it seems like a great next phase for the Perilverse…


      1. I also realized this could be an opportunity to tease other (less known) heroines in the Perilverse. Like former heroines who were kidnapped and got captured by the hunters, and were then given as a trophy. Later, these hunters are spectators during the championship and they keep their trophies with them, to satisfy their needs while watching the championship.

        Also, I’m excited about your rough roadmap! Personally, I’m expecting / hoping for Ener-G to be released before the end of 2024 and then Bombshell issue 6 around 2025 / 2026. I hadn’t expected the crossover issue to be after the 6th issue already; I thought you first wanted to wrap up the entire Bombshell saga (so like, after 10 issues or something), before the crossover; I am glad that it’s finally in sight though. Honestly can’t wait for both Starling and Miranda to get caught in some nasty peril!

        I do notice the absence of a sequel to “Hannah’s Wager”, though; is that still something you’d like to write? Because it is definitely something I’d like to read! A story where the main character is already tamed, and it’s just some Dom/sub smut, written by Lady Jane, would be great to read 😀

        Also, you have mentioned “re-releasing” the Scarlet Dove Saga before, where multiple issues would be combined and sold as one eBook. What’s the status on that? I think I would buy them, especially if you were to add new villain endings to each eBook! Although even without VE, I’d still buy them.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Introducing other “lost” heroines through the HHI story could be super interesting, hmm…

        Let me say this, hopefully without angering the muse: I hope to do a little better than your timeline for my rough roadmap.

        The team up was never planned for after Bombshell as I have no specific plans for ending Bombshell’s series. I had thought there would probably be a 2nd Ener-G book prior to the team up, but I have an idea for the team up I’m excited about…really excited about, so that’s why it’s been bumped up to come next. After issue 6, that is.

        A sequel to Hannah’s Wager is still on the books but in with the more general blog articles, in that I’ll get to it when I need a rest from superheroes and perilous ravaging…

        And I do still think of doing the SD re-release… the problem there is that with so many new shiny misadventures I’m excited about, re-editing and publishing the SD saga starts to look like a chore. But I do appreciate your support and encouragement, and I’m kind of thinking it might be the kind of thing I would work on and publish during the run-up to the team up. And I don’t think I would re-release those, without at least a few VEs to spice things up!

        Liked by 1 person

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