Bestie Q&A 2024

Welcome back to the Dangerotic blog, Besties! It’s Ask Me Anything day and I am so excited. I sent out a request for questions over on X and here on the blog, and you guys sent me so much! Thank you thank you to everyone who sent me Q’s to A. It is going to be a lot to get through though, so let’s not waste any time jumping right into it!

Q: How do you come up with article ideas? Are these Q&A’s just fillers in case you don’t have anything?

A: Absolutely not!  These Q&As are honestly my favorite part of the Dangerotic blog…or maybe second favorite, but only to my actual erotica and SHIP stories. 

I love getting to interact with my Besties, and sharing our thoughts and interests this way.  I would love to do Q&As more often but I feel like I need to give you all time to build up questions and I would hate for them to get repetitive or boring.

This one specifically I’ve been looking forward to all of 2024, but I made myself wait until I had finished the initial draft for Ener-G.  So this is my reward for that!

Coming soon! Get excited.

As for how I come up with articles, that’s tougher to answer.  There are just so many sources of inspiration.  Most of the time I just try to write about whatever’s on my mind.  If it’s captures, or how I use the words, or music, or whatever, I try not to put any direct restrictions on the blog.  But it’s not always easy, I do go through dry spells.  Sometimes the ideas flow like wine, sometimes I can’t think of anything to write about, or anything to say even if I come up with a topic.

And before you say I should save my ideas from the good times and just use them in the dry spells…yeah

Dry spells aren’t a lack of ideas, they’re a lack of inspiration and motivation.  So even if an idea seemed amazing when I thought of it, it doesn’t seem so great when I’m in a dry spell.  Or even if it still does, that doesn’t mean I’ll be able to find the words to do it justice.

Q: How much time do you spend on this blog? Has it already turned into a part-time job?

A: Part-time job is a little overstated, but also yeah, totally.  And one that doesn’t pay.  I love doing the Dangerotic blog, but sometimes the obligation of getting an article out every week can be stressful, or distracting.  Especially when I’m focused on a bigger project like Ener-G or Bombshell.  Maybe I’m on a roll with that, but have to pause and figure out what I’m going to post on Friday…

That’s why I’m always so appreciative of the Besties who share their creativity and artwork with us.  It helps alleviate that pressure when I can share a Perilverse Fan #11 cover, or a TF fan fic.

But also, the blog has helped more than it’s hindered.  Honestly, I love having my own space to share my writing, and to feel free to write whatever I want.  It has helped with writer’s block; if I’m running dry on one of those bigger projects I can write an article for the blog and it rejuvenates me without losing momentum.

And of course, I love having this space where we can all interact a little more directly.  All my Besties get to know more about who I am, and we all get to share in this sort of Dangerotica community-thing we’ve got happening here. I love it!

Q: How do you feel about the idea that thousands of people on this blog, Literotica and beyond have read your works?

A: Oh my gosh, it is literally overwhelming!  Flattering.  Humbling.  Exciting.  Comforting (nice to know I’m not the only deviant out there who gets off on this stuff, haha!)

But it’s also kind of abstract.  It’s hard to really internalize, because I’m just a gal sitting at a keyboard with a cup of coffee.

But that’s also why I love doing these Q&As, it’s so great to get to interact more directly with my Besties.

Q: Would you write smut if nobody would read it?

A: Without question!  Absolutely yes! 

I would do a lot less editing though.

Q: Do you ever find yourself sliding into the villain role while daydreaming/writing, or are you always the one in peril? Aside from “finding the character” for writing purposes that is.

A:  I’m pretty much always the one in peril.  That’s just the direction my fantasies flow, and the POV I write from.  I like being the one in danger, tapping into that sense of helplessness.  I want to be your victim -err, the victim.

Q: A two-part question. Have you ever done anything to any of your characters you now regret. Both from a writer’s perspective and a “How could I do this to my girl” perspective.

A: Not really from either perspective.  As I’ve talked about recently, there are more instances where I regret going too easy on my heroines.  “Too easy” might not be right sentiment, I’ve never backed off on letting my characters be abused, raped and victimized.

Q: What do you consider your biggest strength and your biggest weakness as a writer?

A: Gosh this is hard.  Any answer feels so arrogant, and I can’t help but second guess every response I come up with for potential strength.  I wanted to say I’m good at getting into character, showing that deep POV…but does that really come through, or am I just in my own head so it seems that way.  I feel like I’m really good at finding a rhythm and flow to my prose, and maybe that’s why my sex scenes are so hot…but are they really?  Or am I just too horny and over-indulgent?

So I think my biggest strength as a writer is that I love to write.  It’s my escape, and my therapy, and my bliss.  My happy place really is sitting at this keyboard.  I think that sense comes through regardless of the technical skills I may or may not have.

As for my biggest weakness…yikes.  Where to start?? Do I point out how I can get repetitive because certain words or phrases turn me on, so I use them over and over and over?  I don’t care about any of the grammar rules, or the general “rules” for writing…I just write what and how feels good to me. Or my tendency to overwrite, to the point that I have single sex scenes that last longer than some full stories?  And why every story I start tends to balloon way past what I intended when I started typing…Hmm, I think I see the theme here.

It seems like my biggest weakness is a complete lack of planning and structure.  I have ideas, lots of ideas, but I do very little to develop or refine them before diving headlong into the writing.  That’s true of my articles and my stories.  I know I don’t function well writing from an outline or anything but there are probably numerous ways I could make my process more efficient.

Q: What’s your favorite part of writing?

A: Gosh, what isn’t my favorite part of writing?  I live so vicariously through my writing that I get to go on these adventures.  Beyond it being how I play out my sexual fantasies, I live the struggles and triumphs and excitement and danger… I meet all these interesting characters.  I get to escape real life for a bit.

And I just don’t even know how to explain the catharsis of finishing some of my bigger projects.  Reaching the end of an adventure like that, it feels real.  No matter how spectacular or fantastic, it becomes a real experience.

Q: What is LJs superheroine name and power.

A: I think the superpower I would like to have is flying.  When I see like a hawk, or eagle gliding through the sky just looking so majestic and graceful…I’m always like: “Wow.  If only…” As for a name, I think I would wear a lot of vibrant greens and go with something like Lady Jade.  Or maybe Jade Vixen?  I’ve always been a fan of the SHIP trope of naming the heroine (a color)- Vixen.

Q: Which of your heroine’s outfits do you like the best?

A: Wow…that one is really tough.

It’s hard not to say Ener-G.  Her costume is so unique and sexy and dynamic.  Dritch McAbre did an absolutely amazing job helping me develop such an original and exciting look for her. 

I was so excited for Danger Guy’s version too.  Her costume was so unique, to be honest, I wasn’t sure if DG would be able to recreate it but I was incredibly happy with his version.

So I think I would have to say Ener-G’s outfit is my favorite.  I just get super excited for every image of her.

However, I really miss Victory’s costume and look back on that one a lot.  I can’t say why exactly, maybe it’s a nostalgia thing, or just that I always always loved writing the scenes where her costume was being peeled off by the bad guys…there was just so many ways that purple Lycra two-piece could be manipulated, ripped and stripped.

But it would probably be way overstated to say I like it best.

Q: Will Starling ever consider commissioning Brianna Le Croix for a new Dove uniform to fit her current MILF-y figure?

A: I ask myself this A LOT… Heros Eversor has created a few fun images of potential new outfits for the MYLF Scarlet Dove. I can definitely see Starling wearing something like these.

Although, for some reason, I get off on Starling not quite fitting into her old costume anymore.  Maybe it’s just a fun way to point out the MYLFy changes she’s gone through, or just a new way I get off on her embarrassment.

I’m also into the more low-key misadventures with her.  There was a time I wanted to write fan fiction for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but like older, married, living that suburban soccer-mom life, and she could be protecting the cul-de-sac from vampires and demons.  I thought MILF Buffy would be fun, but now I get to do that with one of my own heroines!  So much cooler. 

So maybe from now on Starling will just be a superheroine that doesn’t dress in a sexy spandex costume.  I always loved putting together her civilian outfits anyway!

But she will probably eventually get an updated costume eventually.  Maybe I’ll do something fun like get some options and hold a pole so you all can vote on her new look.  Hmmm… 

Q: If you were to cosplay any of your characters, who would you most want to do?

A: Physically, I look the most like Ener-G, so for accuracy, probably her.  Although her outfit is going to be the most complicated to recreate but I’d enjoy the challenge of figuring that out.  When I was growing up, my mom refused to buy Halloween costumes, so we always made our own and I always had the coolest costumes!

Q: Would you or have you ever cosplayed as one of your heroines for role playing or even conversation purposes?

A: “Conversation purposes”?  So like, dress up as one of my heroines just to talk to someone?  I guess… I think I could be up for some light cosplay in private, but no, I never actually have.

I do own a blue bodysuit that’s not un-like Bombshell’s leotard.  I have worn it on occasion while writing, to test which ways it might pull or twist, or to get a feel for how it might sit after being tugged certain ways…more for research than for fun though.

Q: Any SHIP element that only found its way into your stories after you have tried it yourself.

A:  As I’ve mentioned here before, my IRL sex life is pretty vanilla.  I’ve tried some very very light bondage (just a silk ribbon tying my wrists) and I’ve been gagged one time.  So, I don’t know if this counts but: anal.  The first time I let a guy in my backdoor, was the first time a villain got into Starling’s.

Q: Any SHIP elements you have not personally tried but want to?

A:  If I could find a partner I trusted enough, I would want to roleplay a full-on Sex Battle.  Or maybe a little more than “roleplay” because I want to be able to fight back, but be overpowered…and maybe even be hurt a little bit.  I’m a wrestler I can take it!  Maybe just enough pain that it makes me a little nervous, pushes me up against my own boundaries. 

He could strip my clothes off one piece at a time, so I can feel what it’s like trying to fightback with my tits out, or with my pussy exposed…and eventually just completely naked.  I want to feel the nerves and embarrassment of being so naked and vulnerable in the middle of a fight like that.

I would want to be groped and fondled.  To feel the frustration and humiliation of being touched that way, of being molested and teased while I’m trying to- Hey, are we fighting here or what?  Does he even take me serious?

And then I want him to pin me down and fuck me hard, as hard as he wants.  I want to squirm and try to get away, but to be held down and used regardless.  To be forced into any position he wants and have my pussy pounded until he’s done.

Of course, whenever I start thinking about it, I realize I’d actually like to do it with someone I don’t trust.  See, a big part of what appeals to me about SHIP is the emotions of it, fear and humiliation, the helplessness and dread…so when I think about trying out any elements IRL, I tend to think of things that would stir those kinds of emotions.

So if I did play this out with a trusted lover, it’d be too safe wouldn’t it?  Maybe not a stranger or anything, but someone I’m not exactly interested in.  Maybe like, hmm…one of the wrestlers who’s hit on me, or creeped on me?  Someone I wouldn’t be completely comfortable with and who’d relish the opportunity to get a piece of me however he wants it.

And maybe we forget to set a safe-word – OOPS! Silly me…

That way I can experience the emotions of the fight, not just playout the action.  I’ll really be nervous, maybe even afraid because I don’t know if this guy will be safe with me, or maybe get a little too rough.  And when he hurts me a little, maybe it’ll be a little too much because he doesn’t already know my boundaries, like a trusted partner would.

And all the groping and stripping will carry an extra sting of embarrassment because he’s not someone I want touching me that way, or seeing me naked…

And when he finally pins me down, and forces my legs apart to take his shot at my defenseless little pussy…it won’t exactly be something, or someone, that I want.

Yes, I know I agreed to this but he’s not someone I really want to have sex with, so it just adds the feeling of losing this fight… and now I don’t have anyway to backout because we don’t have a safe-word!  And I told him that the point of all this is for me get angry and maybe even beg him to stop…so he just keeps going, even though I’m screaming -with every quick hard thrust, he’s got me screaming, and I’ve lost track of whether it’s in protest or pleasure…and now the humiliation is perfect and real, because I never would have fucked this guy under any other circumstances, but now that he’s got me pinned down, I’m shaking and screaming and about to cum on his dick…mmmm fuck…

Gawd I hope he doesn’t cum in me…ohhhh what if I got pregnant by this creep, just because I made a bad choice in who to play this game with…and now his hand is covering my mouth to muffle my screams but that also means I can’t warn him not to cum inside me!!

—Err, uhh…maybe, I’ve gotten a little carried away here.

Next question please.

Q: What are your favorite superhero movies?

A: The Infinity Saga of the MCU.  It’s hard for me to separate them, even though there’s like 15 movies or whatever.  I guess my favorites would be, the first Captain America, Thor Ragnarök, The Avengers, probably Iron Man 3, and the first Guardians of the Galaxy (although all 3 are phenomenal).

But before I lose my superheroine street cred, I also really love the Gal Gadot Wonder Woman movie.  And the Birds of Prey/Harley Quinn movie, I really thought that was good!

Q: What are your favorite superhero series?

A: Hmm, this is harder.  Buffy the Vampire Slayer has to be on the list.  I am currently in my 5th or 6th full watch through of that series.  And that’s not counting the times I’ve watched seasons 2 and 5 (the best two).  I love it, but it gets a pretty heavy nostalgia bump.

At the risk of outing myself as a Marvel fangirl (as if the last question didn’t already do that.) I love the Jessica Jones Netflix series, and yes that’s including the Defenders season.

Agents of Shield was pretty awesome from start to finish.

Oh wait!  I love Peacemaker.  And the Harley Quinn animated series. I also watch My Hero Academia, and I think the tenth episode of the second season is one of the truly great moments in television.

If you know you know…

Q: What TV intro will you never skip?

A: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 


Q: Marvel just hired you for its “after dark” division to write some steamy rated-R content. What actress from any past or present live-action media are you running through the wringer?

A: Peggy Carter, no question.  Hayley Atwell in peril and bondage?? No brainer.  I loved her series and got so bummed out when they canceled it.  So a noir style secret agent story where I get to go all in with the peril and sex, even at just an R-rating?  Yes, please!

I would also love to go all in on some R-rated superheroine peril with Quake and Agent Mae.

And if we’re talking blockbuster level, definitely Valkyrie, because I am obsessed with Tessa Thompson (although, no, that’s not where Ener-G got her name).  Also, I want to turn back the canon and do some perilous R-rate adventures with pre-Thor: Ragnarök Valkyrie when she was a hard drinking drifter.  Haven’t you always wondered exactly how she knew which ship the Grand Master used for his orgies?  I know I do!

Q: Favorite muppet?

A: Kira, from the Dark Crystal.  I loved that movie, and I had a version of it recorded off TV to VHS at my grandma’s house and I used to watch it on a weekly basis, every time I was there.

And yes, there was a scene where she was captured and handcuffed to a chair to have her life essence drained. Hmm…

Q: What LJ hobbies outside of reading and or writing currently take up your time?

A: I like fitness and active things, so you can find me hiking or at the gym.  Right now, I’m training to run my 4th Spartan race.

And does drinking bourbon count as a hobby?  When the weather gets nice, I love sitting on my back porch with a glass of Four Roses on ice and some slow blues playing.

Q: How’s work? Is Deb still on her b.s.? (It’s my theory that every workplace has a problematic Debra or Debbie).

A: Work is fine, I don’t really have a “Deb” at my job.  Or maybe I only have “Deb”s at my job.  I work in social services so all of my clients are problematic in their own fun and exciting ways.  And they all need and expect my help, while somehow simultaneously resenting and refusing it.

Q: Are any of your villains inspired by unsavory people you’ve interacted with personally? Asshole coworkers, shitty exes, etc?

A: Yes, very much.  Maybe not so directly that I could point to someone and say, “You’re Creole Creed, and they’re Shorty Suites, and that guy over there is Pierce Ashton…”  Working social services I know a lot of shady people and they provide me a lot of inspiration for the low-lifes and villains my heroine encounter.

That’s just kind of the writer thing though, the people we encounter bleed into our writing, even unintentionally.  But that’s not a very fun answer.

I can say that Don Anthony Scarpone from the Scarlet Dove saga, is based on a real person who did something very bad to me.  There was no interpretation in his character, I lifted him directly from my real life and worked out my issues through my writing.

Baker is basically the template of every deadbeat I deal with who believes all of his own excuses, and blames the world at large for his being a total loser.  I can’t say he was inspired by any client in particular, as much as he’s an embodiment of the characteristics they all seem to share.

Q: Which of your villains is the most fun to write for?

A: Tough to say specifically, the ones who enjoy their villainy.  Creole Creed and Matteo La Falce spring to mind. 

They’re fun villains. I also really enjoyed writing for Axis, although I’m not sure “fun” is the right way to describe it.

Q: What do you think is the hottest peril scene you have written?

A: Gosh, that’s tough.  As my own fantasies they’re so dependent on the moods I’m in, so this answer changes frequently.

The scene from Axis of Evil where Miranda is kidnapped by Marco; so hot!  It hits a lot of my buttons with improvised bondage, and a pretty gritty rape scene.  I really got into writing the part where she was trapped in the trunk and just could not get free.  The idea of being secretly abducted from a public place was also more exciting than I expected.

I was pretty happy with the peril in that book overall.  Bombshell being lured into the trap at the bank and taken prisoner.  I got to incorporate a lot of SHIP tropes, an unconscious heroine, over-the-shoulder carries, bondage and sexual torture and reluctant submission…mmm hmm!
I’m not just saying that just to be self-serving (it being my most recent release and all) but that is kinda the nature of my writing journey. I often seem to be happiest with the most recent thing I’ve done.

Q: If you were to write Victory and the Scarlet Dove’s stories nowadays, are there any significant changes you would make regarding the plot, characters, etc?

A: Well, with Victory definitely.  I would spend more time fleshing her out as a character.  I always consider her my most purely heroic character, but that’s because she was fairly one dimensional.  I’d like to explore what made her that way, what’s it like to be a little more in the head of someone with such a pure moral stance…especially for the peril scenes, as well as how that entwined with her amorous relationship to the decidedly amoral Centurion. I would definitely write Victory’s POV much better now.

I don’t think I would change the Scarlet Dove though.  Not that it’s perfect or anything, I just don’t know how I would change it without changing it completely.  Maybe I would try to give a little more attention to her being a reporter, I’m not sure I used that aspect to its full potential.  Knowing what I know now, I might also build in her relationship with Lacey, make it more of a slow burn building romance so when they finally get together it’s an even bigger payoff.

Or maybe there could be an actual love triangle with Starling struggling to chose between Lacey and Pierce…making it even more devastating when she choses Pierce, only to find out he’s like the second-in-command villain, who’s been playing her literally all along.  Ouch!

Q: One of your first articles on the Dangerotica blog was an interview with the Scarlet Dove and in the answers they occasionally mention the Dangerotica blog. Is this interview canon? If so, is the Dangerotica blog canon as well, within the Perilverse? Holy shit, do I exist in the Perilverse? How meta is this gonna become?!

A: Calm it down! Not that meta.  That interview, and the one like it with Victory, are not meant to be canon.  At the time, I was pretty sure I was done writing Scarlet Dove stories, and I thought it’d just be a fun way to get a sort of retrospective of the series from the heroines point of view.

Of course, I will always encourage you, and all my Besties, to indulge whatever head-canon you’d like…so go ahead and get as meta as you want!

Maybe there is a version of you in the Perilverse…hmm, I wonder what you would do there?

Q: Have you considered doing Q&A sessions where Besties can submit questions to your heroines? You could even do it where maybe they’re being forced to answer the questions no matter how degrading by someone like Hypnox.

A: I have done a few like that on twitter/X.  “Ask my OC” kinds of things, but never on the blog.  That would be fun, and I like the gimmick of having Hypnox be the “interviewer.”

What do you think Besties? Should we do Hypnox Interviews articles? Let me know down in the comments, and if so who should be his first guest?

Q: Considering how vicariously you experience your heroines’ perils during the writing process, which villain(s) would you most want to be ravished by, or what peril scenes would you most want to take the heroine’s place for?

A: Right now the villain I wish I could be ravished by is Tom Danvers, as he was in the original Scarlet Dove saga.  The energy leech type of villain has been on my mind lately.

It would start as a fight but I wouldn’t stand much of a chance…or actually, I guess as a woman I’d be subject to his incubus charms, falling under his spell…OR maybe that would just entice the brat in me even more.  I do find that the more I want a guy to put me in my place, the harder I make him work for it.  Of course, Danvers would make me regret that.  Quickly.  He’d be rough with me, shut me up and molest me no matter how hard I’m fighting.  Of course, he’d be draining me already, so I’m getting weaker with every grab and fondle.  Before I know it, I’m getting the shit fucked out of me and drowning in a haze of all my most submissive urges.  And even as I’m moaning and begging for him, I can feel my life force draining away…and part of me knows he’s feeding on me…and part of me loves it.  Giving myself to him is unimaginable pleasure, horrifying ecstasy!  I don’t understand but I know I am completely his, body and soul.  It’s not love, it’s obsession, it’s surrender…I know he’s killing me, draining me, but it’s worth it to have his cock inside me, this perfect powerful cock that is going to make me cum…and cum …and die…and I would anything for this cock…even that…

Q: While you have discussed Villain Endings for your mainline stories before and the difficulty of such work, what are your thoughts on doing the same for your one-offs? Double X, Krampusnacht, etc?

A: Specifically; I wasn’t doing VEs yet when I wrote Double X, and I haven’t been too inspired to revisit that story.  Krampusnacht was supposed to be a short story that accidentally ballooned into the novella it became, and I was actually kind of rushing to get it finished for the holiday season that year.  I did, and still do toy with the idea of doing a VE for Nightmare in Auburn Hills, because I have an idea for it.  Maybe something to think about for this upcoming Spooky Season (holy crap, is it already only 6 months away??).

The truth is, the VEs are the one thing I do specifically because I think my Besties will enjoy them.  And that’s why I make them ebook exclusive, as the bonus for everyone who is able to support me that way.  I’m not usually too inspired to push myself to do them for the shorter stuff.

Q: Do you consider/enjoy writing non-erotic stories?

A: Yes.  I have a few ideas for non-erotic adventure stories.  I usually start the planning for them and then get bored, and go back to something sexy though. 

I would really like to write actual horror stories.  I think I’d really have fun writing a slasher novel that captures the camp and feel of like the Nightmares or Fridays, or any of the 80s style video nasties. 

For now though, none of those possibilities are as exciting to me as my Dangerotica.

Q: What is a heroine genre you’d be interested in writing in, but haven’t yet? Like a Western Lone Rangerette-type, a sci-fi space scientist, or Super-Spy danger-damsel (more fitting than a femme fatal xD)

A: Oooo, probably the sci-fi space scientist!  One of the videos I used to rent, back when I was still trying to feed my perilous kinks before I really understood them, was Barbarella starring Jane Fonda. 

I could definitely have fun with that kind of pulpy damsel-in-distress misadventures serial.

Q: What do you do when you experience writers block? How do you get your creative juices flowing again?

A: Porn.  I’ve covered this before. My first go to is watching porn to get those creative juices flowing. 

Sometimes doing something menial helps too; washing dishes, mowing the lawn, gardening.  Something where my hands and attention are busy so my creativity can reboot subconsciously.

Also having the Dangerotic blog actually is a big help.  Sometimes I want to write but the ideas won’t flow, so writing something completely different like the articles or think pieces I do here, can help get my momentum back on track.

Q: Which story have you needed to take most… Self-care… Pauses during?

A:  By which I’m assuming you mean; which story made me stop to masturbate the most often?  Well, that’s just impossible to answer because, as I make it no secret here on the blog, I am touching myself basically anytime I’m writing.  Even non-sexy scenes seem to flow better when I’m keeping myself at least a little on edge.  (Don’t worry I keep my keyboard hygienic.)  But let’s see, what are some scenes that have really gotten to me recently?

The first sex scene with Miranda and Vic Walker always comes to mind.  He had rescued her twice at that point, and so Miranda was just in full damsel mode like: “He’s my knight in shining armor and he deserves the wildest, hottest sex I can give him!”  It’s a scene that just really captures that raw, animal magnetism when two hot people just really really need to fuck each other…and I still get caught up in it.  It’s a scene I still go back to reread occasionally.

I have to mention the gang-bang scene from Nightmare In Auburn Hills. It’s definitely one my favorite things I did last year.  When Lacey and Starling both get passed around by a trio of horny villains, oh gawd, I panted my way through writing that one…

The whole Villain Ending for Axis of Evil really got to me.  I won’t give much away here, sorry, but it’s been my favorite VE by far.  I can’t say if it just hit the right buttons, or if I was just in a certain mood, but I really got off on sinking into my darker temptations and suffering along with Miranda as the bad guys won, really won!

I also really enjoyed Road Side Service.  It is a little embarrassing to admit, but putting myself in the story, and thinking about all my Besties reading it and thinking of ME being the one getting rode hard and put away wet…yeah, I took a lot of “self-care” breaks while writing that one.

Q: When Ener-G wraps, are there any plans for more stories with Jane as the main character? I’m just curious if we’ll see “you” bent over any more barrels, gagging alongside your friend at an auto shop, or taken mercilessly at a writer’s convention.

A: Oh absolutely! You guys know all my writing is about my fantasies, but there’s something a little more personal when I put myself in the fantasy. Leaving it a little more raw, letting you see me fantasize about “me,” and knowing how turned on I must be…It’s almost like I get to be the pornstar, just a for a little bit. Which is another fantasy I’ll never be brave enough to live out, but in this way I get to share and experience it with my Besties!

Q: When you create your main characters personalities, how do you go about it? Do you just let them develop organically as you write or do plan them out a bit before hand?

A: All my characters usually develop pretty organically.  I definitely have some ideas and directions in mind when I start, but where they go, who they become, is just following the writing intuitively.

Especially for my main characters (the heroines), because I take them on as my avatars in the stories (fantasies) I let my personality direct their development.  With Bombshell and Ener-G specifically, I took one or two specific aspects of my own personality and turned them up.

Q: When you write, does what you think your readers want ever dictate what you write?  Kinda like fan service, do you ever write a scene a certain way because you think it will be well received or do you not worry about that and just write what you want?

A: I just write what I want, honestly.  Obviously, the Besties enter my mind sometimes, but more often like “oh they’re going to like this” when I’m really hitting on a hot scene.  Occasionally the reaction to another scene may inspire me to try it out a different way, like “they really liked *that*, so I’ll bet they love *this*.”  I can’t say you guys have no influence on my writing.

I think it’s a mistake to write specifically to please anyone because we all like different aspects of different things.  When you service one fan, you do a disservice to others.  In Axis of Evil, there is a scene where Hawk humiliated Bombshell in front of some hostages during a bank robbery.  I thought the level of public humiliation was just perfect, but I got feedback that said “he should have taken it further to really humiliate her,” as well as some that thought it “went too far.” 

So you can never please everyone, and I don’t try.  It’s helped that for the most part, me and my Besties seem to be on pretty close wavelengths.  I’m fairly confident they’ll be into the same kind of things that are getting me going any time I’m writing.

Now, when I edit, that’s for the readers.  Making everything smooth and readable, and not too repetitive.  Occasionally I will tweak a scene one way or another, thinking a change might make it more appealing to the Besties, or at least to fit better with the story.

Q: Superheroines in the Perilverse seem to be treated as an uncommon occurence but not abnormal. How long have superheroines been known to exist in the Perilverse? Have attitudes towards them changed over time?

A: They way I think of it, superheroines are comparable to celebrities in the real world.  Normal citizens may hear about Victory in Capital City, and that’s cool…but it doesn’t really impact their lives.  Until it does.

I don’t know how long superheroines have existed, I wouldn’t decide on anything concrete until it was needed for a current story.  Honestly, all through the Scarlet Dove I thought of it like superheroines in this world began with Victory.  Hearing about Victory, inspired the Scarlet Dove to take flight.  But also it was implied that maybe Brianna le Croix, who designed the outfit and gear for Starling, had worked with other heroines before who weren’t Victory. Now at the time this was mainly because I was basically just stealing the character of Edna Mode, but it adds a little lore to the world.

And now we know that Axis was doing superheroiney things before Victory, and Rost was likely up to things before her…but those details have only been added because they affected the Axis of Evil storylines.

Likewise, any further history will only be revealed as it becomes pertinent to a current adventure.

Q: Did Warren know Donovan was in love with Miranda? How did he feel about it?

A: Firstly, I don’t know that Donovan is or was “in love” with Miranda.  “In lust” would probably be more accurate and I mean…

…Can you blame him? 

But either way, there is no way Warren knew.  He was the classic absent-minded genius type.  He was also a bit on the naïve side and wouldn’t have caught on to something like that without being told.

Although, Miranda most definitely would have caught on.  Hell, her job when they met was to catch onto things like that…

So why wouldn’t she have told Warren?  To protect her husband’s feelings?  Almost makes you wonder doesn’t it…

Q: What can Miranda do if her Nandex is lost, stolen or irreparably damaged? Would her crimefighting days be over?

A: Now that’s a complicated question.  The Nandex is constructed from rare nano-carbon fibers which Warren fashioned into a spandex-like material.  So the first question is could Miranda get more?  Donovan was the one who procured the initial supply for Warren, would she have to ask Donovan to get more?  Miranda has been very adamant about not letting Ashtoncorp be involved with Bombshell.  Or would she be able to use her own fortune to procure more?  And would that be of the same quality?

The next question would be: could Luna recreate Warren’s invention?  She was his direct assistant and the only one who knew about the Nandex super-suit besides Miranda.  However, she has only been able to work with the existing tech and not building or designing it from scratch.  Would Luna be able to construct a new suit if Miranda did get more nano-carbon?  If so, would it be as good?

I don’t want to give anything here, because these are all questions that will probably be answered eventually.

Q: Will Tessa sexy friend join in on the fun?

A: Do you mean Naomi Tono? 

Tessa’s best friend, the badass and sexy MMA fighter?  Yes.

Q: Okay Here’s one what villain would you say each superheroine hates the most?

A: Oh this is an interesting Q.  Let’s start with Ener-G.  She, by a wide marine, hates the Qhekrins most.

Hyper Star probably hates Arachnogloom. 

He’s a giant, gross spider-monster who kidnaps dogs…what’s not to hate?

Victory was always my purest heroine, noble and compassionate, so would she “hate” any of her villains, or more pity them?  Or want to save them from themselves?  If she was going to hate a villain, it’d probably be the vampire Bloodrayne, an unredeemable creature of the night.  Or actually, it’s more likely to be Dr. Clarise Strickland, who was both Jordin Tyler’s overbearing boss at Hasselhoff Electronics and a villainess who learned Victory’s secret identity and used it to blackmail her.

Bombshell is a more complicated answer.  She probably hates Rost the most, as leader of the Crimson Circle he’s currently the root of the evil she’s battling against.  However, I’d say her resentment of Axis is more intense and potent; how could she be a part of doing this to other women?  How could she serve a man like Rost?  But Axis also represents exactly what could happen to Bombshell if she fails, that can be a hard pill to swallow.

The Scarlet Dove’s answer is tricky too.  She obviously hates Dominion the most, he’s the man who killed her father, as well as capturing and literally enslaving her…but when part of her surrendered to him, when she named their daughter after him, you have to ask is there a part of her that admires, or even loves him?  Or is there just that part of her that will always be his slave?

Q: Is it intentional that very few of your heroines have the more flashy powers like energy blasts and so on?

A:  Yes, I would say that is intentional.  To be honest, I take more inspiration from the SHIP porn I watch than from comic books or blockbuster movies.  Obviously, the budget limitations there require less flashy powers, and my writing follows that trend.  Although some of the special effects we’re starting to see in our porn is getting more and more impressive.

I would also say that I haven’t always felt as comfortable writing big flashy powers, and trying to describe the spectacular visuals that would accompany those.

More pretentiously, I want there to be some underpinning of logic to my heroines and their peril.  Sometimes I find it challenging to imagine how villains might circumvent or defeat some of the more powerful superpowers, and I don’t want it to come of as cheap, easy, cliche or just plain bullshitty.  One of the reasons I decided to stop writing Victory and move to the barely-superpowered Scarlet Dove was because I felt like I was beginning to struggle with creative ways to defeat Victory’s super strength.

Of course, after finishing the Scarlet Dove saga, with Bombshell I’ve talked a lot about putting more “super” back in my superheroines.  I gave her a bigger arsenal of powers to work with, and designed them in such a way that there are still a lot of potential for villainous workarounds.

That trend will continue with Ener-G too.  She does have some very spectacular powers we’ll get to see.  That’s also why she’ll be facing more monstrous and alien villains, so that they’ll be more powerful and capable of dealing with her power level. 

However, I think that’s also one of the places her current initial draft is lacking: spectacular visuals that do her powers justice.  As I begin to edit and polish, there will be a lot of rewriting to hopefully make those scenes more visually dynamic.

Q: Do you ever hold back when you write because you’re concerned it might be too extreme?

A: Never when I write.  I just follow my fantasy.  I have pulled back on scenes during the edit.  It rarely has to do with the action of the scene though.  Sometimes I write in a dark mood and that mood bleeds into the heroine.  Occasionally I will end up with these scenes where the heroine is devastated, brutally raped and left crushed and bawling, suffering until she’s broken… I don’t like to let the overall tone of my stories get too dark.  Even if I write in a dark place, by the time I’m editing I’m probably out of that dark place myself, so I may soften a scene that feels like it pulls down the tone too much.  Or if it seems like that heroine wouldn’t actually have recovered as much as I need by the next scene.

Q: How do you think your heroine characters would react if they found out they are actually characters inside a smut story? That their misadventures only take place because their creator has some wicked fantasies? Idk why, but a meeting between Lady Jane and a heroine would be very interesting to read lol.

A: Gosh, I don’t know…how would any of us react to finding out that our lives, all our hardships and struggles and heartbreaks were just for someone else’s entertainment?  I have no idea what I’d even say to one of my heroines…

It’d probably be more interesting if I ever met one of my villains.  Hmm…what do you think Besties?  Which of my villains would you most like to see knock on my door one day?

Q: Do you think writing noncon smut with maledom / femsub is against feminism?

A: Umm, probably…but I don’t care.  My smut is meant to be fun and escapist, not some political statement.  Fortunately, we are all complex people who are capable of thinking and believing more than one thing.  I can have my private fantasies about being held down and taken against my will, and still believe that in real life I should have equal rights and pay to a man.

Q: I’ve seen you use the term ‘alpha male’ before. Do you genuinely believe some men are inherently superior to others? Or is it just a kink? If yes, why? If no, why?

A: Well, here’s another tricky one.  I mean it’s no secret that some people are natural leaders, and some are natural followers.  I do not believe that being a natural leader makes someone “superior” and being more comfortable following does not make a person inferior.

That being said…I have definitely met men who just inherently seem to bring out my submissive tendencies.  It’s something beyond just a “take charge” attitude.  And I know they can see the sub in me too. No matter how much brat I hide her behind, when I look in their eyes and they’re just looking straight through me, reading me like an open book.

That sense definitely plays into my kinks, but turned way up.  The idea that some men could just take control of me whether I want them to or not.  That I would automatically give in to a natural “ALPHA” is hot and scary.  As a brat, I don’t like to admit my submissive nature…so the idea that certain men can access it at will and there’s nothing I can do about it –fuck, it makes me weak and anxious in all the right ways.

Q: Speaking of superiority, do you think men are inherently superior to women? It’s a trope that often occurs in your smut with villains ravaging the heroine and that their femininity is a weakness.

A:  Well, it’s unavoidably true that men are generally bigger and stronger than women.  That puts us at an inherent disadvantage in any physical altercation.  As a properly jaded social worker I tend to act tough but the truth is, on average, any guy who wanted to hurt me, could.  Just being a woman puts me in a more vulnerable state.  It’s kind of hard not to feel inferior in that sense.

I also think there is an inherent submissiveness in femininity.  Not necessarily in a subservient sense, but a softness and a willingness to be vulnerable.

Vulnerability is one of my biggest turn-ons.  I like to feel weak and helpless, and honestly, I kind of like the added idea that it’s inescapable for me because I’m a woman.

That’s part of the appeal to heroine peril for me; the idea that even a super woman cannot escape her inherent female vulnerabilities.

So it’s not that I think men are superior to women.  Even in my kinky writing most of the men are lowlifes, thugs and two-bit criminals who are perceived as “beneath” the heroine…but I definitely get off on the idea of men who are willing to take advantage our inherent vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

Q: As a woman, do you think pickup artists (like your character Pierce Ashton) are genuinely good at picking up women? Or are they just huge scams?

A: As someone who has been hit on daily literally since I started growing boobs: Yes, some men are just good at it. 

I will admit I have been picked up *sigh* by guys who knew just how to get exactly what they wanted from me…

…and I didn’t realize I was being played until afterwards.

I’ve also been hit on by guys doing all the pick-up artist tricks, but I saw through them immediately.  So I guess there is a -gosh, it feels wrong to call it a skill, but there is a skill to picking up women, I suppose.  Of course, that skill can be used genuinely or as a scam…hmm, or I guess that’s the skill huh? To make it seem genuine when it’s a scam. 

Geez, just be genuine! Okay?  There are a lot of women who want to have fun casual sex, we just don’t want to be tricked or manipulated into it!

Q: Guys aren’t nearly as sly as we think we are when checking you out, are we?

A: Do you guys think you’re sly?  Really?  Honestly??  I suppose I don’t notice the guys who are actually sly about it…but the amount of times I have been just blatantly ogled, like stared at for a sustained time, or the amount of conversations men have had with my tits (and I don’t even have nice tits) makes it mindboggling to me that any of you ever even bother trying to be “sly” about it.

Luckily, I’m the kind of lowkey attention whore, who gets off on it a little bit.

Unluckily for most of you, I’m a bratty whore who’ll definitely call you out in front of people to see how you react…

And on that note, I’m going to sneak out while you’re all thinking about how you’d react…or more likely how you’d make regret calling you out. hehe

Seriously I have so much fun with these Q&A articles so another great big THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who sent in questions. I love getting to interact with my Besties so feel free to drop any follow up questions down in the comments, or X me @dangerotica and we can keep this going all weekend!

But for now, I have sooooooo much editing to do! Seriously, the Ener-G draft is way up over 90,000 words right now, can you even believe that??? That’s a proper novel guys. And and that’s not even counting a Villain Ending yet!

So I’d better get back to my keyboard and coffee.

Take Care, Talk Soon,

Your bff, L J

16 thoughts on “Bestie Q&A 2024

  1. I definitely would enjoy in-character Q&As with your heroines, especially if Hypnox means they can’t hide details, hehehehe. Imagine Starling having to rank her villains’ dicks, or think about which ones made her the most aroused with their dirty talk…

    That comment about Scarpone is terrifying! Hopefully his inspiration is out of your life and not enjoying his own.

    As for which of your villains you should meet, I do always like me some more inhuman encounters, like Ozone or Krampus, but given your enthusiasm I bet a Tom Danvers story would be the most well-written.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah the Hypnox article is definitely growing on me already…hmm…villainous dick ratings? Now there’s a humiliating thought!
      I’m not sure where Scarpone’s inspiration is these days tbh.
      Oh my, I won’t say which of those jumps out at me, but A Monstrous Evening with LJ just sounds like some kind of holiday special…


  2. Sorry Madcow, you’re Qs came in while I was publishing the article, but here lemme add them!

    What top three superheroines or other main female characters from Marvel and/or DC comics would you like to see or read about getting ravished by villains? And which villain would you like to have doing the ravishing for each? Why do you think those are your top heroines and pairings?

    Gosh, I haven’t followed actual comics for a while, and I was never much of a DC gal. I don’t know if I have an answer for this that wouldn’t be super obvious. Let’s say, Power Girl being ravished by Darkseid. They’re both at the high end of the power spectrum the fuck would be as spectacular as the fight! Black Canary by Bane. Big dick energy with Bane, it’d be fun to see BC kind of over matched and helpless in his venomized hands. I’m not sure how this really fits, but how about Poison Ivy with Swamp Thing…vines…mud…pheromones…I’ll let your imagination fill in the blanks. I know mine will be!

    What do you think about the idea of a married heroine getting taken by a villain, perhaps in front of her defeated and now helpless hero husband who is forced to watch? Like Susan Storm nailed by Doctor Doom in front of a Doom-tech-bound Reed Richards? Lex Luthor nailing Lois Lane while a Kryptonite-weakened Superman can only watch? Mary Jane Watson screwed by Green Goblin as a badly beaten and bound Spider-Man witnesses it all? Black Canary being taken every which way by the Penguin as Green Arrow is forced to watch? The hero having to watch and witness and learn that the villain screws his wife far better than he ever has? Perhaps a heroine gang-banged by a team of villains while her hero lover witnesses it all? Do you think something like this could happen in one or more of your future superheroine sagas?

    This one hits my lowkey cuckolding kinks so I’m all in. The sort of mutual humiliation of a heroine being taken IN FRONT of her husband is just delicious, and especially when she starts to enjoy it. It could happen in my stories…poor Lacey!

    What about something like the Barbara Gorden Batgirl being ravished by the Joker in front of her father, Police Commissioner James Gordon?

    What do I think about it? I’m not sure, I’ve never sought out the story to read it. The idea has some obviously perilous kinks to indulge. Part of me doesn’t like seeking out the perilous predicaments in the main stream if they’re being presented as dark and tragic though. I’m not sure why.

    You have written about how you like the idea of a mother and daughter being taken together. What about something where a villain brother or son takes his superheroine sister and/or mother?

    I have not written anything like that. I mentioned that idea with Starling and her mother and Tom Danvers…could be a fun fan fic!

    Have you thought anymore about Scarlet Dove’s daughter, the teenage years?

    Not really. It’s always in the back of my head, but right now I’m still locked in on the Stewarts as the happy small town family. I’ve got a lot of other “current” timeline projects I want to write before I look forward to Nikki’s legal years.

    What about a superheroine who starts out very with a quite conservative personality, a chaste girl who doesn’t like to heavily advertise her sexuality, but of course does end up forced to fully sexually service her horny enemies?

    That seems pretty standard. Personally I’m not more into the idea of taking very conservative heroine to that place, because I don’t think it’s that different. A woman who is willing to be more promiscuous in consensual situations is not less appalled at being forced to non-consensually service her enemies. I don’t know, personally I just don’t get into the super prudish SHIP heroines who shout and bemoan and “my purity how could you?” ”I’m a virgin you can’t do this to me!” That kind of over the tope purity and prudishness just doesn’t add anything to me…and maybe because I’ve always been kind of a, umm, free spirit…I find it a little eye-rolly, if not cringy.

    Thoughts on race play?

    As a biracial woman I love love love interracial erotica, relationships, kinks. And I like to include characters that might bring some of that BBC kink from time to time.

    Top three Disney princesses you would like to see ravished by the villain and why?

    Merida, aged up of course, because I love her. And she’s going to be a total smoke show, and a bad ass who would be just a joy for the villain to tame.

    Elsa, probably, because she just is a superheroine begging for some peril.

    And Meg, I know she’s not a princess but she is just the fucken best. I read her twisted tale “Go The Distance” and it was fine, but missed the mark for me. She needs a proper misadventure with some proper sexy perils.

    Thoughts on monsters/demons/beasts ravishing superheroines?

    Ohhhhhhhhhh just wait until you see what’s instore for Ener-G.

    Thank you so much for your questions, sorry they didn’t make it into the main article!


    1. Regarding Ener-G, in much of her art she has quite small boobs, but in others they are more medium or even large. I tend to think superheroines should have at least medium to large boobs, and always perky. Big enough to maximize sex appeal, but not so big that she doesn’t look like she could do anything athletic. Should flow well with her whole body, giving her a tight, athletic body while also having a tight hourglass figure. So medium to large boobs, tight tummy, and hips that are clearly wider than her abdominal area, but not so large that her body looks unbalanced. The above pictures of MILF Starlet Dove overdo both the size of her breasts and hips I think, even if she is to be MILF-y. I hope Ener-G has boobs like Halle Berry in Swordfish.

      Regarding which of your heroine’s outfits I like best, I would have to say Bombshell, because it looks most like the kind of uniform/costume I could see from an actual comic book. Plus it just looks great on her.

      I’m kind-of bummed out that your Don Anthony Scarpone did something really bad to you. I’m not really sure what to say about that. Would you be willing to share more?

      About Baker, I still think he should’ve gotten to cum in Miranda’s mouth.

      Regarding changes you would make to your Scarlet Dove story, we talked about this in our emails, about exploring more follow-on effects in Starling’s life from that fact that their are naked and sex photos of her on the internet, and how she sucked off and had sex with men at her workplace while under mind control.

      Hypnox interviewing your heroines would make for an amazing blog post.

      About my question regarding the top three superheroines you would like to see ravished and by which villains, I think you read it to fast or something. I wasn’t just asking about DC, but also Marvel. If your top three are really are from DC, that’s fine. But the way you answered it makes me think you thought I just wanted to know about DC. Power Girl with Darkseid is such a great pairing. I personally love the idea of Darkseid getting to have his evil ways with Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Power Girl. He is powerful enough to sexually enslave them all and make their bodies love it. It can also be fun if a much less physically powerful villain gets to have their evil ways with the headline superheroines like Wonder Woman, such as Doctor Psycho. A different kind of sexual defeat for the heroine.

      “This one hits my lowkey cuckolding kinks so I’m all in. The sort of mutual humiliation of a heroine being taken IN FRONT of her husband is just delicious, and especially when she starts to enjoy it.” Yeah, and the set-up could happen a few different ways. It could be a long drawn out thing where perhaps the villain has been blackmailing the heroine for sex for quite some time behind her hero husband’s back, but near the end of the story he is forced to witness it all. Or it could be the first time her hero husband’s arch enemy fucks her, right in front of him after defeating them both and then defeating them both again in such a sexually humiliating way. Another set-up could be a hero guy who has had a crush on the pretty superheroine but never gets to fuck her, and the closest he gets is having to witness his evil enemy fuck her every which way he wish he could. Kind-of a ‘nice guys finish last’ set-up?

      Regarding my Barbara Gorden Batgirl/Joker/Jim Gordon question, I wasn’t asking about “The Killing Joke” which Joker did officially strip her naked after shooting her and showed large blown-up pictures of it to her captured father, but did *not* officially rape her (although one could read it that way). I just using it as an example to ask you what you thought of the idea in a story of the father of a superheroine having to watch as his daughter was defiled by a villain or villains?

      What do you think about a set-up where the superheroine’s brother or son becomes a villain and forced incest follows?

      I’m really looking forward to when you get around to writing about future Nikki’s sexual adventures. I think there is just so many great possibilities to play with in it.

      How about a superheroine who isn’t exactly a prude, but who thinks sex should only be with someone you love in a committed relationship, but of course ends up having far, far more sex with her enemies?

      I do like the idea of fair redhead Scarlet Dove and blonde babe Bombshell getting stretched so deep and wide by some villainous BBC. Was one of the best sex scenes in your Scarlet Dove story when it happened to her. Just adds more wonderful contrasts. Would be amazing for future tight-bodied teen Nikki to get some too.

      I kind-of thought (perhaps hoped) you would’ve picked Jasmine with Jafar as a top Disney pairing.

      Thoughts on Slave Leia? With Jabba? With Boba Fett?

      Have you ever watched Star Trek: The Next Generation and/or Deep Space Nine?

      Have you ever watched Veronica Mars?

      Good luck to you in your upcoming Spartan race.

      You have written about how you love humiliation and also the idea of being a stripper. Have you ever thought of posting nude photos of yourself without showing your face? Just below the neck or with your face covered with a black box? Perhaps even doing a before/after type thing where you start out wearing your blue superheroine outfit, and then step-by-step it comes off in the photo set until your naked body is on full display?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Regarding Ener-G, I don’t envision her with large breasts, but nice ones… and as always I try to write a way that you’re free to interpret her size how ever you prefer. If that means picturing her like Halle, mmm! I don’t blame you one bit! I hope you will have fun with her regardless!

        Bombshell’s is SUCH a great outfit. The truth is I have a hard time picking favorites from my heroines, and usually just comes down who I’ve been working on the most recently lol.

        I’m not unwilling to share more about my irl Scarpone. But I would have to figure out how to do it, maybe some day. I’m not ready yet though.

        I guess I must have misread your 3 heroine question. I’ll stand by answer though I think those would be fun pairings!

        There could definitely be some interesting and sexy scenarios with your “nice guys finish last” set up. Hmm…

        The father daughter set up could definitely be hot, a slightly different dynamic than the cucky husband set up… but hitting similar buttons. There’s an added edge to the humiliation of the heroine any time she’s beaten, captured or taken in front of someone…I’m that edge would be all the sharper if it’s daddy watching his “little girl” being defiled and violated.

        Brother or son, ummm incest stuff is a little wonky to me… I won’t say there’s NO situation where I might get into it, but it doesn’t grab me. Maybe like a resentful STEP-brother who discovers his sister’s secret identity and sets up a villainous path of resentment…

        Jasmine and Jafar are definitely a hot pairing, I just don’t think they’re my top.

        I don’t really have thoughts on Leia with Jaba or Boba… I mean either could be a fun scenario, but I don’t really do fan ficy things so that’s not where my head goes… more likely I might be inspired to create a villain who’s sort of a high tech bounty hunter, who could go after one of my heroines and maybe he’s been hired by a morbidly obese mafia boss, hmm… maybe I should be writing this down!

        I used to watch some TNG and DS9 when I was much younger. Never really became my thing.

        I did watch Veronica Mars, that was a good show.

        Thank you I have really enjoyed doing the Spartan races, I think they’ll remain an annual thing for me.

        I will never share pictures of myself. It’s just not something I am willing to do.

        Thank you for your questions and follow ups, this is lots of fun!


  3. That was as awesome as always. Thank you for this. the QA always make me excited when they come up. I actually learn as much from these as from your stories about writing.

    Also…. that wrestling idea needs become a thing… a Story… I mean a story.

    I know you have done wrestling before but MAN!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. First, thank you for the AMA, really interesting to read this.

    Second, yes! I would love a AMA with the superheroines; not sure if mind control is the best way to go about it, but I would love to ask some questions to them!

    Next, about the Donovan being ‘in lust’ with Miranda; I have always kinda considered it a weird idea if those two were to have sex with each other. However, I do think that Donovan could be a secret villain, and from that perspective, it’s definitely not a weird idea. Anyway, I don’t trust Donovan; no rich asshole from the Ashton family is to be trusted. Spits on the ground Also kinda suspicious how Donovan has some female maid serving him in the epilogue of issue 3 and that he chose her to look similar to Miranda. So yeah, he’s 80% a villain.

    Anyway, one burning question I got while reading: who the hell is Brianna Le Croix? I mean, you’ve briefly mentioned her a couple of times, but what’s her background story? How does she know Starling? How did she get into making superheroine customes with gadgets?

    Also, this is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone mention the Harley Quinn animated series, which is an awesome show! I really liked how they portray an LGBTQ+-character in a natural way. Have you watched Invincible? Also a really good subversion in the superhero genre IMO.

    You mention you have an obligation to post each Friday, but I don’t think this should be the case. Instead, I think you should just do whatever you want. If you simply don’t feel like writing an article, or if you become stressed, then don’t publish an article. I wouldn’t want you to feel pressured to keep churning out new articles, because of some stupid obligation to random strangers on the internet. Writing articles, not because you want to, but because you have to, wouldn’t be good for anyone. Not for us, because the article quality would probably get worse and not for you, because you could potentially overwork yourself. Take a break if you feel like you need it and continue whenever you feel like writing. Your (mental) health goes first obviously.

    Once again, thank you for your hard work and the fact that it’s basically all free. I’m looking forward to the first Ener-G issue!

    P.s. I love the ‘captain obvious’ gif, I’m gonna save that for my reaction images folder.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the AMA and don’t worry, if I do the Hypnox interview I will definitely get questions from all of you!

      Sorry to disappoint here, but maybe some day we’ll learn more about Brianna.

      I obviously can’t give anything away about Donovan, but let me point out the obvious. Villain or not, he’s a man who expects to get the things he wants… and was raise to believe that as an Ashton, he should.

      I loooove the Harley Quinn animated series and I agree with you on their LGBTQ+ portrayal, I loved it! I’m also just partial to adult oriented media. I don’t need cussing and sex to enjoy something, but I definitely seem to enjoy things that have them a little bit more!

      I watched 1 season of Invincible, it wasn’t bad but it didn’t hook me.

      I appreciate your care for my mental health. Thank you thank you! Don’t worry, the sense of obligation is not a negative thing, it’s pushing myself to post consistently, not a stress to keep up. For now. And as I said having the fan fic stories and artwork from other Besties really helps. One day we probably will go back to a more sporadic posting schedule as it was for the first couple years, but for now I’m having fun, lots of it! A little bit of pressure is good and keeps me from getting complacent, and I love posting and sharing with you guys!

      Can’t wait to bring you Ener-G but obviously can’t rush it either 😌 soon. Ish.

      Enjoy Captain Obvious, he’s here for all of our benefit!

      Thanks for replying! Have a great weekend


  5. Since this is such a long post (because you very generously fielded so many questions), I’ll have to comment on parts of it as I read it, or I’ll get lost.

    Maybe I’ll do something fun like get some options and hold a pole so you all can vote on her new look.

    LOL. I must have too much Miranda/Bombshell on my mind. When I read that I was imagining you holding a stripper pole for your character, then I realized it was a typo.

    I do own a blue bodysuit that’s not un-like Bombshell’s leotard.  I have worn it on occasion while writing, to test which ways it might pull or twist, or to get a feel for how it might sit after being tugged certain ways…more for research than for fun though.

    I appreciate the effort you go to for authenticity’s sake. I appreciate even more imagining watching you while you’re writing. That will be an image that sticks in my head.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. About Baker: I can well imagine you meet a lot of Baker types in your line of work, but he’s such a fun, low-life, unsavory but scrupulous character, that he’s one of my favorites. Did I mention selfish, vile, crude, but smart enough to only push things so far? Despite all the real world examples you, no doubt, have to draw from, I think you created a unique character.

    I think Hypnox interviewing your heroines on the blog would be a ton of fun.

    About your answer to ever holding back when you write, I think you answered that with your earlier answer about a potential real-life scenario. I was both really turned on and cringing as I read that. IRL that would be extraordinarily dangerous for both you and your partner who could easily be put away for rape. Good thing most of the real swine of this world aren’t very literate, so they’re very unlikely to be reading this interview. Of course all your besties have read it, so you better be on alert. (In reality, I would only do that to you in your dreams or my writing.)

    Which of my villains would you most like to see knock on my door one day?

    I vote for Pierce. He would likely be crestfallen, then annoyed, then try to seduce you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In my dreams, huh? Hmm 🤔 slept like a baby last night, better luck in your writing 😉

      I’m flattered like Baker so much, you’re not alone.

      Oh Pierce… it wouldn’t be the first time he seduced me. I initially planned him to be a one off, and yet somehow he became one of the biggest recurring villains!

      Liked by 1 person

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